Friday 18 November 2011

Detoxing Your Home - Part 1


Detoxing your home is also about detoxing your body. There is very little point in doing a liver detox, colonic or fast if you are immersed in a toxic environment.

Your home is surprisingly polluted.

Indoor air quality in many places is hazardous to health for several reasons:

  • Many homes, particularly the newer “energy efficient homes” are not well ventilated. This is a problem because whatever is lingering in the air is being breathed in by you, over and over again. Adequate ventilation is vital! More on this later.
  • The air in your home can become polluted by moulds and fungi – fungi is NOT a fun guy, far from it. Can you smell dampness anywhere? Can you see mould anywhere? If you answered “yes,” then we have a problem.
  • Furniture smells – have you noticed the way that a piece of new furniture has a particular smell to it? This is the off-gassing of what is known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Chipboard is particularly problematic – all those little pieces of wood are held together with formaldehyde! (Formaldehyde? This causes cancer, it is a carcinogen.)
  • Carpets smell – not only do they off-gas VOCs, but they are havens for dust, dust-mites, petro-chemicals and many other things that are traipsed through your home on your shoes.
  • People – people add humidity, and sometimes pathogens (if they are sick). People also off-gas – their personal care products mingle and give off a smell.

All of these factors contribute to the air quality of your home (and workplace and car!)... And considering you spend (on average) 90% of your time indoors, that's a lot of pollutants that you are inhaling.